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MetroStyle Menus

We offer a huge variety of custom menu styles but to be honest the MetroStyle is our favourite. You’ll love it too.

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Design Audits

When your site is ready, stop for a while and ask our designer what can be improved. What’s more, it’s a totally FREE service!

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Brand New Sliders

Besides the awesome Revolution Slider, the 3Clicks Theme includes some new and unconventional sliders.

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Check Our Portfolio

[recent_works max=”6″ template=”one_third” hide=”summary,categories,tags,button_1″]

What We Offer

[list type=”icon” icon=”chevron-right” style=”simple”]
  • 100% Responsive Layout
    Your site will look great on any screen size
  • Unlimited colors
    Define your color and all gradients will be generated
  • Hundreds of fonts
    Google Web Fonts, Font-Face, System Fonts
  • Ongoing Support
    Design Audit for FREE

What Clients Say

3Clicks Theme in Numbers

Quisque venenatis risus non pulvinar sollicitudin venenatis risus id pretium

[numbers size=”medium” icon=”gift” stop=”17″ suffix=”!”]Unexpected Situations[/numbers]
[numbers size=”medium” icon=”time” stop=”1400″ suffix=”+”]Hours of Development[/numbers]
[numbers size=”medium” icon=”bug” stop=”120″ suffix=”+”]Fixed Bugs[/numbers]
[numbers size=”medium” icon=”coffee” stop=”350″ suffix=”+”]Drunk Coffees[/numbers]
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About GoneVirtual

5109 82nd St., Suite 7
Lubbock, TX 79424
T: 877.846.8478